Features of interlacing Mechanism and its use


  1. The lock stitch class 300 is the most commonly used and is easiest to understand.
  2. Lock stitch machine requires 2 threads to form a stitch, a needle thread that feeds from the top and a lower thread that feeds from a bobbin.

3 .A rotary hook or shuttle catches the needle thread loop as it passes around the bobbin and interlocks the two threads.
4. If a lock stitch thread breaks, the two threads used to form the stitch lock and the whole line of stitches won't unravel.
5. Lock stitch machines are versatile and can be used for a variety of operations. 
6. It is also the only stitch formation that can be back stitched. 

:: Uses ::

  • Collar
  • Cuff
  • Pocket
  • Facing
  • Button holing
  • Button attaching
  • Blind stitching etc.
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