Features of interlooping Mechanism and its use

Stitch class 400
  • The 400 class is the second most frequently used stitch type.
  • This multi thread chain stitch requires one or more needle threads that form loops as they pass through the fabric and interloop with the looper thread on the underside, all of which feed continuously from the cones.

  • The 400 class requires an upper and a lower thread and use a looper to carry the lower thread and form a thread loop on the underside of the fabric.
  • Machines producing 400 Class do not back tack although stitches can be condensed to secure the ends of the threads.

Figure of stitch class 400

Use :

  • Lace.
  • Braid.
  • Elastic.
  • Jeans .
  • Trouser.
  • Sleeve and bottom hem of T-shirt.
  • Sleeve and bottom hem of  Polo-shirt.
  • Decorative purpose.
  • Elastic attaching of under garments. Etc

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