Definition of Stitch and Different type of stitch Mechanism


Loop or loops of one or more threads when bounds with each other, either by interlacing, interlooping, intralooping or combination of those when sewing fabric, each unit of such configuration is called stitch

Stitch Mechanism

  • Interlacing. 
  • Interlooping. 
  • Intralooping

Interlacing :  During stitching when one loop of one thread passes over another loop of another thread is called interlacing.

Example : Stitch class 300 (Lock stitch)

Figure of interlacing : 1

Mechanism of interlacing

Interlooping :  When loop of one thread passes through the loop of another thread is called interlooping

Example :  Stitch class 400.
                  Stitch class 500.
                  Stitch class 600.

Figure of Interlooping :  2

Mechanism of Interlooping :

Intralooping :  When a loop of one thread passes through the loop of same thread during sewing is called intralooping

Example : Stitch class 100

Figure of intralooping : 3

Mechanism of intralooping :
