Features of Intralooping Mechanism and its use

  • The chain stitch class 100 is formed with one or more needle threads that form a loop on the underside of the fabric.
  • There is no lower thread.

  • Figure :  Intralooping Mechanism 

  • It can be easily removed and it is used for basting operations in tailored men swear and women's wear.

  • Figure :  Intralooping Mechanism 

  • It can only be used where the marks of needle penetration close up afterwards in pressing.
  • A basting operation, in positions such as edges, flaps, collars, and so on, is a temporary stitch, allowing accurate placement of permanent stitches

Use :

  • Hemming.
  • Button attaching.
  • Button holing.
  • Gathering .
  • Temporary positioning of garment components
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